Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Contest: Tickets For Little Joy At The Independent

Well, we certainly hope you weren't on board just for some sort of Strokes fetish. Yes, despite the fact that Fab was called back to New York, Little Joy will continue on without him. As mentioned previously, the band will be delivering the awesomeness of their debut record at The Independent on June 3rd. Frankly, while we're sad to see Fab go, we have to admit we're pretty glad it will thin the crowd of all the fankids who weren't in it for the music. This is an awesome band, with some awesome tunes to deliver, celeb status be damned.

If you're of a similar mind, then we have quite a treat for you: in conjunction with The Independent and Another Planet Entertainment, we're giving away two pairs of tickets for the show. All you have to do to get entered in the drawing is answer one question for us, and send the answer to That question is: Rodrigo Amarante is in another band besides Little Joy - what is that band, and where are they from?

The contest will close at midnight on Sunday the 31st, so that we have time to get you all set for the show. Ready, set, go!