As we roll out of bed this afternoon, we find ourselves with three delightful pieces of Spoon news to send your way. The first is that the band played Jimmy Kimmell last week, and it was completely killer. Not only did they play two of our fave tracks off of Transference ("Is Love Forever?" and "Who Makes Your Money"), but they also asked tour mate Bradford Cox to join them on stage playing guitar, along with White Rabbits' frontman Stephen Patterson on percussion. Yes, sicktastic indeed - you can check out the vids above.
The second piece of news stems from Coachella, and an interview the band did with KROQ on site. In addition to giving a somewhat mundane chit-chat session, the band delivered a killer version of "Got Nuffin", performed all acoustic-like. Given the fuzzed out nature of the original, we were a little skeptical of the song going acoustic, but we have to say it really works. Check out the vid above.

And finally, perhaps even more exciting for us true Spoon die-hards, is that a fan recently discovered a CD in a record shop entitled A Series Of Sneaks Rough Mixes (cover above). The disc contains the tracks "Car Radio", "The Minor Tough", "Utilitarian" and "Advance Casette". This ever generous fan then did us all a solid by posting the tracks to the web for download.
While the tunes do sound incredibly similar to the album versions (they are, after all, simply alternate mixes), they do have a slightly different feel, and the occasionally obvious alternate take or track. While they don't present a revelatory experience of any kind, they are quite the treat for Spoon nerds such as ourselves.
And that, friends, should be enough to tide you over. Enjoy your Sunday!
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