Friday, June 19, 2009

Outside Lands Puts Single Day Tickets On Sale, Employs Muppets, May Be Doing Acid

Okay, we'll be frank: typically we're hesitant to put up materials that are this blatant of a sales pitch. That being said, in this case we just couldn't really resist. The video is a bit by the Outside Lands folks, promoting the fact that single day tickets go on sale this Sunday, and it's downright bizarre.

For whatever reason, Outside Lands is being promoted by creepy park ranger muppets, and their accompanying talking buffalo. We know: we don't get it either. The video above even finds "Ranger Dave" sharing a bedroom with a buffalo - seriously. Jim Henson, grave, rolled.

That being said, we're glad to see the single day tix go on-sale: the lineup for Outside Lands definitely isn't for everyone, and we can definitely see a lot of fans wanting to pick and choose by the day. If you find yourself in that boat, well, contact your local park ranger muppet, and snag your tix on Sunday.