Saturday, April 4, 2009

Four More New Ryan Adams Vids

Well, this didn't take long. After this week's new song "Yes, I Know That Color", Ryan Adams is back in full on super prolific over-productive mode. This includes not only a website revamp, but four new music videos from the YouTubez. One is something of a crazy rock jam ("Saturday Again"), an acoustic version of "Two", an 8 minute foot tour around Manhattan ("Oh Sunday"), and the most fully formed new song, called "Rainy Face" (above). Oh yeah, and he's also on twitter.

What can we say? We're psyched: Mr. Adams, it's good to have you back.


Lew said...

None of them are new. They were all posted at one point or another on the old Tumblr/Vimeo blog. Yes I know that color--I was really hoping that would be on Cardinology. Oh well, at least, here it is again. I'm glad to see them back but it's just not so that they are new.

Hanan said...

Ryan Adams is so eccentric and unpredictable, but he always comes through with music. he's one of the few artists that I can turn to at any given moment and not be disappointed with.

"nerd gps" haha oh Ryan. you are too clever for your own good.

thanks for the links =)