Saturday, February 21, 2009

Foundry Field Recordings: New Record, Move SF Date To San Jose

Last month we mentioned that Foundry Field Recordings had drummed up a West coast tour for the spring, with a San Francisco date on March 10th at an undecided venue. Well, sadly, it appears that the band has instead opted to stake out the show in San Jose at Anno Domini Gallery. No real word on why the band decided not to make it all the way up the peninsula, but we have to admit we're a bit bummed.

In the good news department, the band's tour kickoff post on myspace has a few more tidbits about recent developments in the FFR camp. Specifically, they have a new lineup, and a bunch of new material to play on tour. What's more, they're ramping up to release a new record entitled hierarchy [procession]. We'll keep you updated as we hear more.